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Admin | Social Media | Organization | Planning

Virtual Assistants & OBMs for Entrepreneurs with ADHD

Can an ADHD virtual assistant or OBM help you? ​

Having ADHD means that we struggle with our executive function, which can really do a number on our personal and professional lives. 

It is not, however, a measure of how intelligent we are, and it doesn’t negate the fact that we’re often highly capable in other areas of our lives. 

However, it can lead to horrible stress, shame, and a less than desirable end result if it’s not supported.

I completely understand how it feels to live with ADHD. 

I have ADHD as well and I seriously struggled with overwhelm and frustration for many years before being diagnosed and learning to work with it – and now I am flourishing. 

Having experienced that struggle is exactly why I want to help you feel organized and in control.

The Ambitious Assistant is a ADHD virtual assistant & OBM agency for ADHD entrepreneurs to be able to outsource their personal and professional administration, organization, planning, and social media to a virtual assistant who understands how their minds work.

The Ambitious Assistant can further help with the areas ADHD entrepreneurs tend to struggle with most, and will work to find methods to tame the 

  • overwhelm
  • time-blindness
  • and procrastination

– ultimately creating time for you to do the things you thrive at and enjoy.

The ADHD virtual assistants at The Ambitious Assistant can help with things like:
  • Bill Paying 
  • Email & Calendar Organization
  • Appointment Setting 
  • Phone Calls 
  • Research 
  • Insurance 
  • Budgeting
  • Organizational Methods 
  • Social Media
  • Online Business Management
And SO much more – all done with the compassion of someone who understands that these areas can be challenging for those with ADHD.

The Ambitious Assistant does more than merely help you get more done. 

Because your stressful tasks will be taken care of, you will ultimately be empowered to show the world your talents and do what you love!

Best of all, with an ADHD virtual assistant, you are never bothering us or “too much” – you are one of our tribe!

What Clients Are Saying

Does this sound like you?

Envision That . . .

You could focus on the creative tasks you enjoy doing and leave the mundane work to someone who can help. 

You can spend more time with your family and friends and have a more balanced schedule.

You don’t need to figure out the right words to compose an email or a text message. 

You know that an ADHD virtual assistant or OBM can communicate the messages that reflect you or your company brand.

Gone are the days of forgetting meetings, deadlines, and important events. 

People will no longer see you as unreliable, but as a someone who they can rely on.

You have peace of mind knowing that your business is being managed, so now you can focus on growing instead of being pulled into the day-to-day tasks.

headshot of Josie

a word from our founder

Josie Peterson – ADHD Virtual Assistant & Founder

I completely understand how it feels to live with ADHD. Having been diagnosed late in life, I seriously struggled with overwhelm, guilt, and frustration for many years. I felt like a failure at life.

After I was diagnosed, I dove head first into all things ADHD. With a lot of help, I learned to accept and work with my ADHD – and now I am flourishing.

Having experienced that struggle is exactly why I want to help relieve you of the types of issues I dealt with.

Having a virtual assistant or OBM who is familiar with ADHD means they know and understand the areas that you struggle with and the kinds of issues you face – and they know how to help restore order.

Just think about how much more efficiently you could function if you delegated some of your tasks like
👉🏼 Team Management, Planning, Appointments, & Bill Paying 👈🏼
so you could focus more on the aspects of your life that you enjoy.

black woman with glasses and wearing coral shirt with grey dress jacket, looking at paperwork

An ADHD virtual assistant or OBM can help you

– feel more in control
– feel more organized
– help you plan your time

resulting in some calm amidst the storm.

As ADHD virtual assistants & OBMs, we can help you become a better communicator by composing emails, responding to letters, and writing social media posts.

We can help you prioritize, stay on top of things, and help you run your life or business in an organized fashion.

We can help you achieve your goals by doing all that we are able to help set you up for success.

Working with ADHDers is our passion and we’ll be there to support you every step of the way!
image of paperwork, glasses, and keyboard on an office desk.

Are you an ADHDer thinking about hiring a VA?

Download our free guide with helpful tips and ideas about what you can delegate to a virtual assistant to free up your time and feel less overwhelmed!​