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6 Ways A Virtual Assistant Can Help People with ADHD

As someone who struggled for years with undiagnosed ADD, I can relate to many of the issues that other ADHD/ADD entrepreneurs face. 

As someone who struggled for years with undiagnosed ADHD, I can relate to many of the issues that others with ADHD face.  Having gotten my ADHD under control, it is now a passion of mine to help others with ADHD stop feeling so overwhelmed and undermotivated to complete necessary tasks.  

As an administrative professional for over 25 years, organization and attention to detail were always my strong suit – until I started to struggle with the things that had always come naturally to me.  I couldn’t understand why I was suddenly dropping the ball, forgetting meetings, and leaving important details unattended to.  I was at a loss as to why I would be assigned a task and my response was to stare at the screen in total inaction.  

Now that I’ve been correctly diagnosed and am in treatment, all of those skills are back in play and no longer a daily struggle for me.  Not to say I’ve “overcome” ADHD, mainly because I don’t believe it’s something to overcome to begin with, but I’ve learned how to adapt – and for me, being on medication has restored my ability to focus on the minute details once again. 

Knowing what others with ADHD are going through, it has become my passion through The Ambitious Assistant to help by removing the types of tasks that leave them staring at their computer in inaction, and take them off their plate so they can focus on the aspects of their life or business that they actually enjoy doing.

Most of us with ADHD have ‘blind spots’, or areas that we struggle to catch up in. Maybe your calendar is a mess, or you’re forgetting important appointments and meetings. Perhaps you hate scheduling appointments or filing insurance paperwork. Even worse, maybe you’re behind on paying your bills and are at risk of the electricity being turned off. In many cases it can be overwhelming and you may need daily or weekly support.

It is precisely for these reasons that you may benefit from hiring a virtual assistant. Virtual assistants are increasingly popular among freelancers, entrepreneurs and large business owners — mainly because they can help in so many different ways. There is also an increasingly growing trend of hiring a virtual assistant to assist with personal tasks, reminders, and the like. 

Have you wondered if having a virtual assistant can be of help to you?  Well, here are 6 ways that the virtual assistants of The Ambitious Assistant, who are trained in working with those who have ADHD (they deal with me every day!), can help make life that much easier. 


Delegating the tasks that they just can’t bring themselves to face to a virtual assistant will allow those with ADHD to focus on their unique talents and free up some extra time to dedicate to doing the things they actually enjoy doing.  

If you have ADHD and are the owner of a small business, you may find that some of your strongest skills are focused on the creative aspects of your work.  But as a small business owner this could mean that you’re overextended – trying to do too much by juggling multiple roles and potentially leaving important details unattended to.  Allowing a virtual assistant to take on those mundane tasks that you find yourself procrastinating on will help your business flow more successfully.  

As an individual trying to navigate work or school as well as life, having someone overseeing the items that normally get pushed aside “for later”, you can once again be on time and on track. A truly skilled virtual assistant will actually help you determine the tasks that would be most beneficial to delegate.  Give them access to your email and calendar and they will be able to take things off your plate without you even having to figure out what to delegate.


Many people with ADHD find it hard to plan tasks, but there are specific reasons why this is the case and they are not to blame.  Delegating planning tasks to a virtual assistant allows you to utilize time and energy more efficiently, reducing stress levels, and giving you more time to focus on the aspects of your life and/or business that you thrive at.  Planning something we’re passionate about is one thing, but some subjects are downright painful to those of us with ADHD.  The wonderful aspect of having a virtual assistant means you can hand off that planning and they will run with it.  Planning is virtually a default skill for a virtual assistant. 

They can plan your vacation, organize everything you’ll need for the trip, and make sure you’re on time to the airport. They can plan a business project, gather requirements, establish and enforce deadlines, and keep your project on track. Whatever it is you need to plan, a good virtual assistant can remove the burden from it.


Having ADHD, you know how challenging it can be to communicate with other people consistently.  Do you often feel like a failure because of communication issues?  Do you want to find an easy and affordable way to improve your communication to friends and family, or in business?  

A virtual assistant specialized in helping those with ADHD can assist by composing emails, responding to letters, and other forms of communication such as text message or writing social media posts.  A skilled virtual assistant can take your words and build in clarity, vision and understanding.

Technical Tasks

At The Ambitious Assistant we really get why ADHD entrepreneurs struggle with certain aspects of life and work.  A strong virtual assistant, educated in working with those who have ADHD, can help you by taking over video editing or graphic designs, presentations or social media.  

Anything technical that you either don’t enjoy or don’t have the skills to do (or the motivation to learn!) can be passed on to your virtual assistant.  Many virtual assistants already have technical skills in a variety of areas (ours do!), giving you a ready-made resource for taking over those technical tasks that make you want to throw in the towel and walk away from your desk.


People who have ADHD can have a lot of issues when it comes to managing finances.  However, certain tasks can be carried out by a virtual assistant that will allow you to feel more in control and feel less anxious about your financial situation.  

Do you procrastinate leaving tasks until close to the deadline?  Do you find yourself often rushed and therefore complete things somewhat carelessly?  Bookkeeping, personal budgeting, bill paying and more can be handled by a virtual assistant.  

Because organization skills and attention to detail comes naturally to virtual assistants, you can rest assured that your financial situation will be complete, on time, and accurate.


Research can be extremely time consuming, and we all know that if the topic being researched is not one we are passionate about, we will struggle to maintain focus on that task for long enough to produce well-rounded results.  

When research isn’t carried out to an exacting and consistent standard, odds are good that it’s not going to be that helpful.  Allowing a virtual assistant to take over a research project not only removes that burden from your plate, but because virtual assistants tend to be extremely detail oriented you’re going to have stellar results for the project. 

If you find yourself overwhelmed or frustrated with the myriad of tasks that your brain just won’t wrap itself around, consider a virtual assistant.

The virtual assistants of The Ambitious Assistant are ready and willing to help restore order and allow you to get back to doing what you enjoy.  

Click here to schedule a FREE Discovery Call to find out how we can help you.get

Did you know?

We offer several forms of support for individuals and entrepreneurs with ADHD.

Are you an ADHD Entrepreneur looking to hire a VA?
Download our free guide with helpful tips and ideas about what you can delegate to a virtual assistant to free up your time and feel less overwhelmed!​

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Are you an ADHDer thinking about hiring a VA?

Download our free guide with helpful tips and ideas about what you can delegate to a virtual assistant to free up your time and feel less overwhelmed!​