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So, Why Haven’t You Hired a Virtual Assistant Yet?

Are you on the fence about hiring a Virtual Assistant (VA)? You’re not alone! The thought of having someone swoop in to tackle your growing to-do list is enticing. Imagine the weight lifted off your shoulders! But for many, a few nagging concerns stand in the way of taking the plunge.

Addressing the Top 5 Reasons People Hesitate to Hire a VA

Are you on the fence about hiring a Virtual Assistant (VA)? You’re not alone! The thought of having someone swoop in to tackle your growing to-do list is enticing. Imagine the weight lifted off your shoulders! But for many, a few nagging concerns stand in the way of taking the plunge.

In today’s fast-paced, digital world, VAs are a lifesaver for busy entrepreneurs and professionals. This is especially true for ADHDers, like myself, who often juggle endless tasks, deadlines, and that ever-elusive sense of structure. I (finally) have my very own VA, after putting it off for months, and can speak from experience when I say that VAs can help you stay on top of the chaos, freeing you to focus on what matters most. So, what’s holding us back?

Let’s break down the top five reasons people hesitate to hire a VA—and why these concerns might not be as scary as they seem.

1. Cost Concerns: Can I Afford a VA?

Sure, hiring a VA sounds great, but isn’t it a luxury only big businesses can afford? The idea of paying someone to do tasks you should (my pet peeve word) be able to handle can feel unnecessary, especially if you’re uncertain about the return on investment (ROI). But here’s the secret: VAs might not be as expensive as you think. And it is really a luxury if it actually helps you grow your business and income?

Solution: Be upfront about your budget! Many VAs offer flexible pricing, whether it’s hourly rates, project-based fees, or even retainer models. If someone is out of your price range, ask for lower priced referrals. Plus, the real value comes when you’re no longer bogged down by administrative work. By outsourcing the small stuff, maybe even some of the big stuff, you can focus on revenue-generating tasks—where your genius really shines. So, is it really an expense or is it an investment into your business’s growth?

2. Trust and Security: Can I Trust Someone with My Sensitive Information?

Handing over your calendar, finances, or client data to someone you met on the internet? Sounds risky, right? For those of us with ADHD, where routine and predictability are king, trusting someone else to handle sensitive tasks can be a hard leap to make.

Solution: Hire a VA through a reputable platform or agency that prioritizes confidentiality. Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and strict data protocols are your friends here. Besides, VAs don’t want to get into sticky situations with your sensitive info any more than you do! Putting everything in writing with clear boundaries will keep everyone comfortable—and more importantly—secure.

For example, at The Ambitious Assistant, every VA is required to provide proof of having security on their computers to help ensure that all client information is kept secure, and they also sign an NDA with the company stating they will not expose client information, confidential or not, to anyone else.

3. Loss of Control: Will They Do It the Way I Want?

If you’re like me, you’re used to doing things a certain way—because, well, you’re the only one who can! (Or so we tell ourselves.) The thought of giving up control is terrifying, especially when it comes to tasks that have your personal stamp on them. It can’t be just me who struggles with that, right? What if your VA doesn’t meet your high standards? What if they don’t get your unique quirks?

Solution: It’s all about communication. Start by delegating smaller tasks to build trust. Once you see how your VA handles these, you’ll feel more confident handing over the bigger stuff. Use this as a gradual process: assign your inbox or a few recurring tasks first and watch the magic unfold. Before you know it, you’ll be ready to let go of even more. And if you decide to work with an ADHD-specific VA like our team, then the best part is that they DO get you!

4. Uncertainty About Delegation: What Should I Even Delegate?

Let’s be real: knowing what to delegate can be as tough as actually doing the tasks. For ADHDers, the concept of delegation might even feel more stressful than just knocking out the to-dos ourselves. The fear of not communicating clearly or accidentally micromanaging keeps many of us stuck.

Solution: Here’s where VAs shine! Not only will they help take tasks off your plate, but they can also guide you through how to delegate. Most VAs have systems in place to help you figure out the best tasks to offload—without leaving you feeling overwhelmed. Effective delegation equals more freedom for you to focus on those higher-priority activities, which in turn helps your business flourish.

You can also download our checklist Love, Loathe, No Time, Not Good for ideas of what you can delegate to a virtual assistant.

5. Time to Train: Won’t Training a VA Take Too Long?

I get it. The ADHD mind thinks, “By the time I train someone, I could have just done it myself!” And while that might be true at first, think long-term. The idea of spending hours explaining your processes sounds daunting, but once the VA is up to speed, the time saved will be well worth the initial effort.

Solution: Yes, training will take a bit of time on the front end. But in the long run, a trained VA will save you hours (and sanity). Start by documenting recurring tasks as you do them. One easy way to do this is to use a screen recording tool such as Loom to document the process. The VA will take that process and create an SOP so she has documented the steps to take in the future. This way, you also have a ready-made guide for the future. And remember, investing that initial time means you won’t have to deal with those tasks ever again—which is music to any ADHDer’s ears!

Hiring a Virtual Assistant can be one of the best decisions for your business—and your peace of mind. While all of these concerns are valid, addressing them head-on can unlock the benefits of having a VA at your side. You’ll gain more time, mental clarity, and the ability to focus on what matters most: growing your business.

Curious about how a VA can help you? Schedule a call with us at Ambitious Assistant here, and let’s see how we can make your life easier—and your business thrive!

Did you know?

We offer several forms of support for individuals and entrepreneurs with ADHD.

Are you an ADHD Entrepreneur looking to hire a VA?
Download our free guide with helpful tips and ideas about what you can delegate to a virtual assistant to free up your time and feel less overwhelmed!​

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Are you an ADHDer thinking about hiring a VA?

Download our free guide with helpful tips and ideas about what you can delegate to a virtual assistant to free up your time and feel less overwhelmed!​