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Streamline Your Life with ADHD: Tips for Hiring the Right Help

It can be so overwhelming to keep track of responsibilities, maintain focus, and complete tasks on time. It just is. The constant battle with distractions and the frustration of unfinished tasks can be exhausting and even begin to affect your self-esteem. That’s why seeking support is crucial. Having someone provide structure, accountability and practical strategies can make a significant difference in your life. 

Living with ADHD can make managing daily tasks feel like running a marathon with hurdles every few feet. Do you feel that too?

It can be so overwhelming to keep track of responsibilities, maintain focus, and complete tasks on time. It just is. The constant battle with distractions and the frustration of unfinished tasks can be exhausting and even begin to affect your self-esteem. That’s why seeking support is crucial. Having someone provide structure, accountability and practical strategies can make a significant difference in your life. 

Hiring support can be a game-changer, but before you take that leap, it’s important to evaluate your needs and set clear expectations. Let’s dive into some steps you can take to ensure you find the right help for you.

Step 1: Understand Your Needs

The first step in finding the right support is to understand your specific needs. ADHD affects everyone differently, so take some time to think about where you struggle most. Ask yourself:

  • Where do I spend (or waste) the most time?
  • What activities cause me the most stress or frustration?
  • What tasks do I consistently struggle with?

Basically, what is your recurring source of trouble or annoyance? We call these pain points. 

Identifying your pain points will help you determine what kind of support you need. For example, do you need help organizing your workspace, managing your schedule, or staying on top of deadlines?

Ask yourself some questions and do some evaluating. I find making lists to be very helpful (I know). I make my lists in Trello, but they’re still lists. 🤷🏼‍♀️ For instance:

  • What are the top 5 things that feel the most challenging on a day to day basis?
  • What are some of my daily responsibilities that I could delegate to someone else? 
  • What are 3 goals I would like to achieve this year?
  • What are the tasks that are often neglected?

Take some time to write out some answers to these questions. This can really help you organize your thoughts and determine actionable next steps.

Step 2: Set Clear Goals

Once you’ve pinpointed your needs, it’s time to set some clear goals. What do you hope to achieve by hiring support? Your goals should be specific, measurable, and realistic. For instance:

  • “I want to reduce the time I spend on administrative tasks by 50%.”
  • “I aim to keep my workspace organized and clutter-free.”
  • “I need help developing a daily routine that keeps me on track.”

Having clear goals will guide your search and help you communicate effectively with potential support partners.

Sound overwhelming? You can start small! If this is new to you, don’t overwhelm yourself with all the big picture goals.

Step 3: Decide on the Type of Support

Next, think about the type of support that would be most beneficial for you. Here are some options:

  • Virtual Assistants (naturally!): Great for handling administrative tasks, scheduling, and email management. Often helps with accountability, reminders, and organization. At The Ambitious Assistant, we would love to help you accomplish your goals!
  • Professional Organizers: Ideal if you need help decluttering and organizing your personal space. Not everyone has this in the budget, but if you do it’s awesome.
  • ADHD Coaches: Experts who can provide strategies and accountability to manage your ADHD symptoms. I can provide some excellent referrals!
  • Therapists or Counselors: For help with emotional regulation, stress management, and coping strategies.

Consider your budget and whether you need someone part-time, full-time, or on an as-needed basis. 

Step 4: Research Potential Candidates

Think of people you have worked well with in the past. What qualities did that person possess that made your connection effective? Look for people who make you feel comfortable!

I once had a boss with great empathy for my ADHD. She was patient and understanding and allowed me to work outside the typical lines of our industry because she knew my creativity would bring positive results. I discovered that collaborating with people who believe in me and recognize my potential, despite (and sometimes because of) my ADHD, always helps me excel. 

With a clear idea of what you need, start researching potential candidates. Specifically look for professionals with experience working with ADHDers. Read reviews, ask for references, and don’t hesitate to interview multiple candidates to find the right fit. At The Ambitious Assistant, we make sure you match with one of our VAs before we proceed to the paperwork and payments. 

During the interview, discuss;

  • Their experience and qualifications.
  • Their approach to managing tasks and providing support.
  • How they handle challenges and adapt to your needs.

Step 5: Set Clear Expectations

Before you hire someone, have an open and honest conversation about your expectations. Discuss:

  • Your specific goals and how you’ll measure success.
  • The tasks you need help with and any preferences you have for how they’re completed.
  • Your communication style and how often you’d like to check in.

Clear communication from the start ensures that both you and your support person are on the same page. That’s really important!

Step 6: Start with a Trial Period

Consider starting with a trial period if they’re offered to see how things work out. This gives both you and your support professional a chance to adjust and ensure it’s a good fit. Use this time to:

  • Evaluate their performance and whether your needs are being met.
  • Adjust any processes or expectations based on your experience.
  • Provide feedback and see how they respond to it.

Step 7: Regularly Review and Adjust

Once you’ve hired someone, it’s important to regularly review how things are going. Regular check-ins should be scheduled to discuss what’s working, what isn’t, and any adjustments that need to be made. 

Keep those lists of goals going! Check off what you accomplish and keep adding new ones as they develop. Adjust what isn’t working. This is a tangible way to measure your growth progression.

Ongoing communication will help you both stay aligned and make the most of the support you are receiving.

Final Thoughts

Hiring support can make a significant difference in managing ADHD, but it’s crucial to approach it thoughtfully. By understanding your needs, setting clear goals, and finding the right fit, you can ensure that the help you receive truly enhances your life. 

So take it step by step, communicate openly, and remember – getting the right support can renew your daily routine and help you thrive! You’ve got this!

Here at The Ambitious Assistant we are dedicated to helping you streamline your life and empower you for success! Reach out to us today to see how a partnership with us can help transform your life. 

Did you know?

We offer several forms of support for individuals and entrepreneurs with ADHD.

Are you an ADHD Entrepreneur looking to hire a VA?
Download our free guide with helpful tips and ideas about what you can delegate to a virtual assistant to free up your time and feel less overwhelmed!​

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Are you an ADHDer thinking about hiring a VA?

Download our free guide with helpful tips and ideas about what you can delegate to a virtual assistant to free up your time and feel less overwhelmed!​